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Great quality music instruments at great prices. Exceptional sound and intonation. Improved mechanisms and ergonomical design. Superb and uniquely designed Saxophones and Trumpets prized by Musicians.
Tenor Specifications:
Bb Tenor Saxophone
High F# Sharp Key
Gold Lacquer Finish
High Quality Pads
High Performance Springs
Beautiful Engraving
White Pearls
Max Protection Lightweight Case
Support Spring for G#
The Growling Sax Avante-Garde Series
Alto Specifications:
Eb Alto Saxophone
High F# Sharp Key
Gold Lacquer Finish
High Quality Pads
High Performance Springs
Beautiful Engraving
White Pearls
Max Protection Lightweight Case
Support Spring for G#
Victory Musical Triumph Series Trumpet
Despite the affordable price, the Triumph Series trumpets are not your average beginner instrument. These trumpets offer great intonation, ergonomics and a killer sound that outplays instruments that cost more than twice the price.
Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or a professional looking for a budget or backup trumpet, the Triumph Series trumpet will be good enough for just about any gig or performance.
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